Murder in a Beehive

Blanche has a PodPiece

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard

Blanche Magnolia Beauregard's assistant, the capricious Lacey Summerhill, has created a podcast for her.  Not a fan of technology, Blanche is none too happy about it.  

Tune in on Monday, October 3rd for the first episode of Murder in a Beehive.  

And support Lacey (Blanche has all the support she needs in her bra) at htts://  

Murder in a Beehive--A podcast for the Beautiful People

This podcast is a Lizzie Street production.
Copyright 2022 Lizzie Street

This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.